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About ABRI

With the birth of this website, the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute, or ABRI, acquires at last a web presence of its own.

ABRI is a dream that we're slowly bringing into being. The idea was born with us and Malgosia, and with Uri and Gene we made it happen. We wanted a vehicle that would permit the continuation of our research into Aetherometry; but we also wanted it to be open to other kinds of experimentation - in science, mathematics, philosophy and art. We are a long way from sustaining its operation, but it has sheltered our research into physics, chemistry and biology, and became the nexus of all the technologies that we've pioneered, including those we developed at Labofex.

Over the years we've been helped by extraordinary friends who often faced the fire to protect us and our work. They contributed publications, reviews, equipment, advice, travelled all around North America and the world to seek commercialization of our work, donated funds, promoted our work in a variety of forums, in a list too long to detail. They asked nothing of us save to continue. Without them, we would not have continued.

But we did. And we kept the institute and its research totally independent of every interest group, financing most of its operations from our pay as consultants, demo fees and investments. This preserved our ability to conduct research as we saw fit - with no investor, no head of department, no peewee grant-bureaucrat telling us what to do or not to do.

Our focus is, and will continue to be, biophysics. Over the years, aetherometric research evolved to encompass virtually all the fundamental disciplines of science. Originally, we concentrated on the development of alternative energy systems, and biophysical and biochemical instrumentation. However, the development of Aetherometry into the fields of gravity, astrophysics, nuclear physics, hematology and oncology made it necessary to conduct research in lift methods, basic chemistry and tissue-culture systems. It obliged us to move forward into many fields with our meagre resources. We will persevere.

Those interested in knowing about the current research in Aetherometry have a page that directly provides that information. Current technological development and research priorities are discussed under the rubric of Aether Technologies. For an introduction to Aetherometry and publications in Aetherometry, you are encouraged to visit the Akronos Publishing site.

The Institute does not apologize for having decided to politicize the presentation of its technologies. Generous contributors have made possible the continuation of the Institute and its research. With their own means and with volunteer work alone, the Correas could not have pulled this research forward. Without sponsors, donors, dedicated supporters that do not carry hidden agendas - without the help of of all Friends of Aetherometry - neither the Institute nor the work of the Correas would have been possible. What would not have been possible is precisely their freedom of research, and the freedom of expression the Correas, and all members of the Institute, have exercised through Akronos Publications and Gene Mallove's Infinite Energy. It suffices to mention how many climatologists disagreee with the current pseudo-scientific dogma of Global Warming but do not speak out for fear of their jobs. The Correas and other members of the Institute have never had the luxury of fearing for their jobs. So no apologies can be tended for being overt regarding the politics of power that selects which Science is dominant, which Technology has a future. If, under the dire conditions of the current dependence upon oil and oil wars one is still permited these kinds of luxuries, including suppression of discovery and invention out of ignorance or imbecillity, then it is clear that it is humanity as a whole which has chosen a certain death. And it did so when it had been given all the necessary technologies to have made a choice for Life.

If you support this pioneering research work, and treasure its independence as we do, please help us maintain our thrust and integrity.

January 2008

Dr. Paulo N. Correa, MSc, PhD
President and R&D Director

Ms. Alexandra Correa, HBA
Vice-President and General Manager

Original ABRI research overview (2000)


What Is...
Leukemia Aetherometry Bioenergy